Blackfriars Catholic Churches Partnership
Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle


In 2017 the Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle developed the concept of partnerships of adjacent parishes working together in spiritual development and with a shared organisation in order to help each other and to begin to better prepare for the expected shortage of priests and a reduction in the number of laity.

The Blackfriars Partnership was formed, and our Vision is that in five years we will be able to say:

Blackfriars has been built on the solid foundations of communities and parishes. We are working closely together in harmony and trust with an inclusive and expanded outlook to deliver the love of Jesus to everyone. The laity, especially the young adults, are leading the day to day running of Blackfriars so that priests and laity can fulfill their baptismal calling to be missionary disciples.

Our Values are:

  • We love Jesus
  • We listen
  • We are open and honest
  • We believe in transparency
  • We are inclusive of everyone
  • We trust
  • We are respectful
  • We communicate effectively and often
  • We work for others

Our Structure:

Partnership Dean - Fr. Arockia Mariadass Pagyasamy OCD

Partnership Development Group - Representatives from each parish in the partnership and the Dean meet regularly.

Partnership Working Groups - In the partnership there are working groups focussing on Lay Leadership, Youth, Administration, Finance, Spirituality, Liturgy and Communication.